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Stone Carver's Slip

Updated: Feb 17, 2022

Miscellaneous Musings

I spotted this in the wonderful town of Albi in south west France.

Here Lived Jean François Galaup de Lapérouse

1741 -1788 Naval Officer and Explorer

Born at Gô (area of Albi) / Died at Vanikoro (Solomon Islands)

The letter carver mistakenly carved 1841 - 1888, and corrected it to

1741 - 1788!


3 comentarios

David Phillips
David Phillips
22 mar 2022

I have always been facinated by the parisian "fake plaques".

Me gusta

Graham Twemlow
Graham Twemlow
14 feb 2022

Thank you once again Mary. I was tempted to write more, but was keen to highlight the McKnight Kauffer Metropolis poster conundrum.

Where were you at art school?

Me gusta

Mary Casserley
Mary Casserley
14 feb 2022

wow! Great Post. I can recall watching Metropolis for the first time as an art student. It left a deep impressionon me.

Me gusta
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